Thursday, August 12, 2010

Night on the Sun-Part 1

Ok fans this episode picks up on ole Sookie in the hospital bed screaming, damn what a shrill.  Did ya'll notice how fakey Bill was looking at the end of the scene.  I believe Bill does love her but he has his own agenda.  Then Alcide, god knows I love me some Alcide, but he sorta lied when he said he doesn't take orders from vamps. What did he do when he came to protect Sookie, I know Eric loaned his father money but it is not Alcide's debt, I guess he is playing the good son.  He sure was working those cover alls.

Then we see ole Sofia Ann moving in bitching about where to put her birds. Talbot is bitching to Russell like a bitchy wife, about having to bury werewolves under the gazebo and Franklin's brains won't wash out of the bed linens (He aint dead), Russell's new wife and lets not forget that Sookie bitch steaking Lorena.When Russell  breaks the news to Talbot about killing the magister,  Talbot calls him a 1000 year old child, Russells states that he is glad Talbot is safe..Eric, wearing the same mint green shirt he has been wearing for 3 tv weeks, is listening behind the door. After a few, he comes in and tells Russell there is a Werebitch in the study. 

Debbie is squalling "they killed my Cooter"---best line of the show. she called ole Sookie a cunt and Rusell called her a special cunt...Did you notice when Eric was talking to the Kang how it is hard for him to tell the truth but easy as hell for him to lie when he was talking about looking for the Kang for a thousand years.

Then we see Arlene and Terry in the bed with him singing to the baby.  I am telling you she better tell Terry the truth or his ass is gonna nut up on her, he is suffering from PTDA. She is already having hot flashes about ole Rene and that is gonna come back on her ass to.

Sookie and Alcide are talking and in busts ole Jason and "acting sheriff" Terry Belfluer.  Jason is wanting to go after Bill and drags Andy into it. How the hell you gonna put a vamp in jail . Jason needs to set the fuck down and stay out of it. It is a matter of time before his shit catches up with him.I do not know why Jason is so pussfied now. Watch out for ole Rev Newland. We seen that shit Jason was digging out of his closet from his fellowship of the sun days. Thinking he could get revenge on Bill. PLEASE His secret is gonna be put out there if he keeps messing with them Norris's and they are going to dig a hole in the sand and cover him up.

Tara is upstairs looks like she is scared as hell and she should be. I like that shirt Laffy had on and there is something going on there with him just ain't figured it out yet. I do think ole Jesus is a witch. In that shower scene with ole Frank she wasn't scared of him when he was popping that couchie. I think she really likes him.

At least ole Mindy Mickens did not drag ole dingy drawers to get her shit..The dark side of Sam is emerging so watch out and I believe it is the fact that Tommy is around hell please tell me when the Merlottes adopted him because he is using the name Tommy Merlotte. I can't stand that lil punk.

Ruby Jean is telling it all, especially when she is telling  Laffy about the cats.  There has been mention of cats during seasons 1 and 2.  Remember Maxine Fortenberry doesn't like cats, the cat on Jasons cat and ole Lettie Mae saying she used a bb gun to shoot cats when they went to the bathroom in her yard.  I am telling you CATS (Black Panters aka WerePanters) are fixing to come back on their ass.

Everyone on that show needs a shrink.  Loved it when Tara inadvertently called Sookie a dumb bitch and Alcide came up and she told him to flirt some sense into her. When he was about to leave I be damned if I wouldn't have got me some sugar from Alcide but don't fret folks he will be back.

Ok folks will post the rest of my thoughts on the second part of the show later

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